Video Mixer Example

Flash file

The event object for FLVPlayback is

This would be the script to loop video when it comes to the end

myVideo.addEventListener(, onComplete);

function onComplete(evt: {

myVideo.playheadTime =0;;




Project 1

Next week we will discuss the readings and have work time in class.  The tentative due date for project 1 is 2/23.  That means the project is ready for critique.

Project 1: Recombinant Cinema

Create a piece in Flash that uses interaction to manipulate video.  This can take many possible forms: re-ordering and manipulating sequences of clips, as in the game Loop Raccord; an interactive movie; a combination game / movie like the laserdisc arcade classic Dragon’s Lair; or perhaps a VJ instrument for live performance.

You can use found footage or video you shoot yourself, or a combination of both.

The important element is the use of interactivity – so while there is no set amount of video required, in general a larger amount of video material will provide greater variety and opportunity for meaningful interaction and play.

For inspiration, look at:

Loop Raccord:

(also see Raccord Sniper, Low Bitrate Fighters, UFO on TAPE)

The Visionarium at the Centre for Interactive Cinema Research at the University of New South Wales:

Christian Marclay’s Video Quartet:

Christian Marclay’s Telephones:

Dragon’s Lair:

Mr. Payback, an interactive movie from 1995:

Archive of interactive movies (mostly games) :